Friday, March 10, 2017

Bibliography (mine and hers)

I will begin by listing books and articles I have referred to in my comments. I do not include material on websites only, which are linked to at the appropriate places.

Bandera, Sandrina, and Tanzi, Marco, Quelle carte de triumphi che se fanno a Cremona": I Tarocchi dei Bembo, Milano: Skira, 2013.

Berry, John. Book Review and Discussion of Robert V. O'Neill, Tarot Symbolism. The Playing Card, vol. 15 No. 3 (Feb. 1987), pp. 95-98, at

Berry, John. The Tarot Myth. The Playing Card, vol. 32, No. 6 (2004). At

Berti, Girolomo, and Gonard, Tiberio. Visconti Tarot. Turino: Lo Scarabeo, 2002. Translation of Tarocchi dei Visconti, 1998.

Caldwell, Ross Sinclair, Depaulis, Thierry, and Ponzi, Marco, ed., trans. and commented on, Explaining the Tarot: Two Italian Renaissance Essays on the Meaning of the Tarot Pack. Oxford, UK: Maproom, 2010

Dachs, Monike. Antonio Cicognara als "Restaurator", Die Uberarbeitung der Colleoni-Tarocchi aus dem Atelier der Cremoneser Malerfamilie Bembo. Pantheon I, 1992, pp. 175-178

Decker, Ron, Correspondence From, The Journal of the Playing-Card Society, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Aug. 1974), pp. 23-24 and 48, at

Dummett, Michael, [Correspondence] From, The Journal of the Playing-Card Society, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Nov. 1974), pp. 27-31, at

Dummett, Michael. The Game of Tarot: From Ferrara to Salt Lake City. London: Duckworth, 1980. Principally chapter 4, online at

Dummett, Michael. Tarot Triumphant. New York: Franco Maria Ricci International [FMR], 1985.

Dummett, Michael.  The Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards. New York: G. Braziller, 1986.

Dummett, Michael. Where do the virtues go? The Playing Card, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Jan.-Feb 2004), pp. 165-167. At

Dummett, Michael. Six 15th century tarot cards: who painted them?, Artibus et Historiae 28:56, Feb. 2007, pp. 15-26.

Kaplan, Stuart R. Encyclopedia of Tarot, Vol. 1. Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems, 1978. (6th printing, 1988).

Kaplan, Stuart R. Encyclopedia of Tarot, Vol. 2. Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems, 1986.

Kent, Dale. Cosimo de' Medici and the Florentine Renaissance, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000.

Lubkin, Gregory. A Renaissance Court: Milan under Galeazzo Maria Sforza. Berkeley [etc.] : University of California Press, 1994.

O'Neill, Robert V. Tarot Symbolism. Lima, Ohio: Fairway Press, 1986. (Facsimile reprint by Association for Tarot Studies, Melbourne, Australia, 2004.)

Shephard, John. The Tarot Trumps: Cosmos in Miniature. Wellingborough, UK: Aquarian Press, 1985

Tanzi, Marco.Arcigoticissimo Bembo: Bonifacio in Sant'Agostino e in Duomo a Cremona.
Milano: Officina Libraria, 2011.

Now for Moakley's very extensive own bibliography, at the end of her book. I ran these pages through an OCR program as usual. There were more errors than usually occur, first because the type is smaller, second because it is in a variety of languages, with little context to tell the program which word out of various possibilities, and fourth because there are lots of numbers, which are hard for the OCR program, again because it cannot weed out possibilities. I proofread the result three times and hopefully got most of the errors. If you can't find something, check my scans, which are as follows:

p. 117: ... ge-009.jpg

pp. 118-119: ... ge-010.jpg

pp. 120-121: ... ge-011.jpg

pp. 122-123: ... ge-012.jpg

p. 124: ... ge-013.jpg

Comments in brackets are mine unless otherwise indicated.

[Start p. 117]

Ady, Cecilia Mary. A History of Milan under the Sforza. New York, Putnam 1907

Alciati, Andrea. Emblematum flumen abundans. Manchester, Pub. for the Holbein Soc. by A. Brothers 1871. (Photolith facsimile of the Lyons ed by Bonhomme, 1551)

Allemagne, Henry R. d'. Les cartes a jouer. Paris, Hachette 1906. 2 vols. ("Le jeu de tarots": I 179ff)

Ancona, Paolo d'. La miniature italienne du Xe au XVIe siecle. Paris, G. van Oest 1925

The Schifanoia Months at Ferrara. Milan, Edizioni del Milione 1954

L'uomo e le sue opere, nelle figurazioni italiane del Medioevo. Firenze, "La Voce" 1923

Angiolini, Francesco. Vocabolario milanese-italiano. Torino 1897

"Annales mediolanenses." In Muratori, L. A., ed Rerum italicarum scriptores, 1st ed; vol xvi (Milan 1730) col 738

Appolonio, Mario. Storia del tentro italiano. Firenze, Sansoni 1938-50. 4 vols, of which the first two cover our period

ArsIan, E. "L'architettura milanese del primo Cinquecento." Storia di Milano, vol VIII. Milano, Fondazione Treccani degli Alfieri 1957

Arte lombarda dai Visconti agli Sforza [mostra] Palazzo Reale, Milano, aprile-giugno 1958. Milano, Silvana 1958

Assum, Clemente. Francesco Sforza. Torino, Societa Subalpina Editrice 1945

Bacon, Francis. Selected Writings. New York, Modern Library 1955

Bagatti Valsecchi di Belvignate, Fausto. La casa artistica italiana. Milano 2918. pl CXLIV, CXLV, LXXVIII

Baltrusaitis, Jurgis. Le moyen age fantastique. Paris, A. Colin 1955

Baroni, C, and S. Samek Ludovici. La pittura lombarda del Quattrocento. Messina, G. D'Anna 1952. ("Bonifacio e Benedetto Bembo": p 91ff, esp p 107-116 — transcriptions of documents by or about Bembo)

Beard, Miriam. A History of the Business Man. New York, Macmillan 1938

Berenson, Bernard. Italian Pictures of the Renaissance. Oxford, Clarendon Press 1953

Bernardino, Saint. "Sermo XLII" (in his Opera. Venice 1591). Cited and quoted in Steele, Robert, "A Notice . . ." p 196 (see below)

[start p. 138]
Bernheimer, Richard. Wild Men in the Middle Ages. Cambridge, Harvard Univ Press 1952

Bertoni, G. Poesie leggende costumanze del medio evo. Modena 1917. (Tarocchi versificati p. 220)

Boiardo (or Bojardo), Matteo Maria, conte di Scandiano. Tutte le opere, Milano, A. Mondadori 1936-37. 2 vols. (His design for a novel set of tarocchi, in two sonnets and 78 terzine, one for each card, is in II 702-716)

Boll, Franz Johannes, and Carl Bezold. Sternglaube and Sterndeutung. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner 1926.

Bordigallo, Domenico. Le cronache di Cremona. (One of Count Cicognara's discredited sources)

Bottari, S. "I tarocchi di Castello Ursino di Bonifacio Bembo." Emporium CXIV (Sept 1951) 110-124

Bragaglia, Anton Giulio. Pulcinella. Roma, G. Casini 1953

British Museum. Catalogue of the Collection of Playing Cards. London 1901

Catalogue of the Collection of Playing Cards Bequeathed to the Trustees of the
British Museum by the late Lady Charlotte Schreiber
. London, Longmans [etc) 1901

A Descriptive Catalogue of Playing and Other Cards. London 1876

Brizio, A. M. La moda in cinque secoli di pittura. (Catalogo della Mostra). Torino [1951? 1952?] Cited in Arte lombarda dai Visconti agli Sforza, p 179 and p 85

Brunetti da Corinaldo, Francesco Saverio. Giochi delle minchiate, ombre, scacchi, ed altri d'ingegno. Roma 1747

Burckhardt, Jacob. The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy. London, G. Allen; New York, Macmillan 1915

Carnival of Rome; its origin, history and official program for 1891. [Rome? 1891?).

Castelli, Enrico. Il demoniaco nell'arte. Milano, Electa [1952?]

Chartrou, Josephe. Les entrées solennelles et tiomphales a la Renaissance. Paris, Les Presses universitaires de France 1928

Chatto, William Andrew. Facts and Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing Cards. London, J. R. Smith 1848

Cicognara, Leopoldo, conte. Memorie spettanti la storia della calcografia. Prato 1831

Clark, James Midgley. The Dance of Death in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Glasgow, Jackson 1950

Clerici, Graziano Paolo. "Il Pezzana, it Toschi, i1 Cicognara." La Bibliofilia xix (1917-18) 97-113

Collison-Morley, Lacy. The Story of the Sforzas. London 1933

Colonna, Francesco. Poliphili hypnerotomachia. London, Methuen 1904. (Facsimile reproduction of the first edition of 1499)

Corio, Bernardino. Storia di Milano. In Vinetia, Presso Giorgio de' Cavalli 1565

Cotterill, H. B. Italy from Dante to Tasso. New York 1919

[start p. 119]
Court de Gebelin, Antoine. "Du jeu des tarots," in his Monde primitif (Paris 1787-88) VIII 365-410 and plates

Cronica di Milano dal 948 at 1487. (Exposed as worthless in Arch stor lomb, anno XIX 245ff )

Culin, Stewart. Chess and Playing Cards. Washington, U. S. Govt Print Off 1898

Dance of Death. The Dance of Death, by Hans Holbein, with an introduction and notes by James M. Clark. London, Phaidon Press 1947

"De Sphaera" (Latin ms) see Reale Biblioteca Estense, Modena

Decembrio, Petro Candido. "Philippi Mariae Vicecomitis mediolanensium ducis tertii vita." Cap LXI: "De variis ludendi modis" in Muratori, L. A., ed Rerum italicarum scriptores xx (1731) col 1013

De Roover, Raymond. The Medici Bank. New York, New York Univ Press 1948

D'Otrange, M. L. "Thirteen Tarot Cards from the Visconti-Sforza Set." Connoisseur (March 1954) 54-69. These cards are duplicates or copies of the Visconti-Sforza set, including two or three cards of a different design, notably one with the heraldic serpent. They were all at one time the property of Mr Piero Tozzi of New York City, who still owns some of them.

Diirer, Albrecht, and others. The Triumphal Arch. 4th ed Vienna 1799. (A huge print made up of 192 separate woodcuts fitted together)

Durrieu, P. "Michelin da Besozzo." Institut de France. Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. Memoires ( 1911) xxxviii 2 ptie p 376

Eliade, Mircea. Birth and Rebirth. New York, Harper 1958

Enciclopedia dello spettacolo. Roma, Casa Editrice Le Maschere 1954-1962. g vols

Enciclopedia italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti. Milano, Istituto Giovanni Treccani 1929-38. 35 vols

Essling, Prince d' see Massena, Victor, prince d'Essling

Evans, Joan. Pattern. Oxford, Clarendon Press 1931. 2 vols

Filelfo. Prose e poesie volgari. (Reale Deputazione di Storia Patria der le Marche. Atti e memorie, vol v 1901)

Frazer, Sir James George. The New Golden Bough. New York, Criterion Books 1959. A new abridgment with additional notes, by T. H. Caster

Freedley, George. A History of the Theatre. New York, Crown Publishers 1955

Freud, Sigmund. Dreams in Folklore. New York, International Universities Press 1958

Fuchs, A. Die Ikonographie der sieben Planeten in der Kunst Italiens bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters

Grazzini, Antonio Francesco, called Il Lasca. Tutti i trionfi, carri, mascherate o canti carnascialeschi andati per Firenze dal tempo del magnifica Lorenzo de' Medici fino all' anno 1559. Lucca 1750

Gregorovius, Ferdinand Adolf. History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages. London, G. Bell 1902-09. 8 vols in 13

Grillot de Givry, Emile Angelo. Anthology of Witchcraft, Magic, & Alchemy. Chicago, University Books 1958

[start p. 120]
Gualazzini, U. "Contributo alla question Dragoniana." Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (May 1931) 402.

Haight, Elizabeth Hazelton. Apuleius and his Influence. New York, Longmans 1927

Hargrave, Catherine Perry. A History of Playing Cards and a Bibliography of Cards and Gaming. Boston, Houghton 1930

Hauber, Anton. Planetenkinderbilder und Sternbilder zur Geschichte des menschlichen Gloubens und Irrens. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz 1916

Hauser, Arnold. The Social History of Art. New York, Knopf 1951. 2 vols

Heidelberger Liederbandschrift, Grosse. Minnesanger; achtzehn farbige Wiedergaben aus der Manessischen Liederhandschrift. Baden-Baden, W. Klein 1953

Heubach, Dittmar, ed. Der Belial. Strassburg, J. H. Ed. Heitz 1927. Has 33 15th-century drawings for a legend about the Devil

Hind, Arthur Mayger. Catalogue of Early Italian Engravings. London, British Museum, 1910. "E. I. Series of Fifty Instructive Prints (erroneously called the Tarocchi cards of Mantegna)” p 17-25

Early Italian Engraving. London, Pub for M. Knoedler & Co, New York, by B
Quaritch 1938-48. 2 vols in 7

Hopper, Vincent Foster. Medieval Number Symbolism. New York, Columbia Univ Press 1938

Huizinga, J. Homo ludens. Boston, Beacon Press 1955

The Waning of the Middle Ages. Garden City, Doubleday

Jonas, Hans. The Gnostic Religion. Boston, Beacon Press 1958

Kendall, Maurice G. "Studies in the History of Probability and Statistics: II. The Beginnings of a Probability Calculus." Biometrika XI-III (1956) pt 1-2 p 1-14

Kennard, Joseph Spencer. The Italian Theatre. New York, W. E. Rudge 1932. 2 vols

Kisch, Guido. "The 'Jewish Execution' in Medieval Germany and the Reception of Roman Law." Studi in memoria di Paolo Koschaker L'Europa e il diritto roman (Milano 1955) lI 65-93

— — An earlier version of the same paper in Historia Judaica V (1943) 103-132

Kolb, Jenki. Old Playing Cards. Budapest, Hungaria Print Off 1940

Kurtz, Leonard P. The Dance of Death and the Macabre Spirit in European Literature. New York, Institute of French Studies, Columbia University 1934

Lacroix, Paul. Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages and During the Renaissance Period. London, Chapman and Hall 1876

Lea, Henry C., ed. Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft. Univ of Pennsylvania Press 1939. Note absence of tarot and cartomancy

Lea, K. M. Italian Popular Comedy; a study in the commedia dell'arte. Oxford, Clarendon Press 1934. 2 vols 1954

Linde, Antonius van der. Geschichte und Literatur des Schachspiels. Berlin, J. Springer; 1874. 2 vols ("Schach im Kartenspiel?": II 375-391)

Lippmann, Friedrich. Seven Planets. London, Asher; New York, H. Wunderlich 1895

Litta, Ponapeo, conte. Famiglie celebri italiane. Milano, Presso l’autore 1819-85

Longhi, R. "Me pinxit." I resti del polittico di Cristoforo Moretti. La restituzione di un trittico d'arte cremonese (Pinacotheca I 17-33, 55-87)

Malaguzzi-Valeri, P. La corte di Lodovico it Moro. Milano 1913-23. 4 Vols

Marie, Raimond van. The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting. The Hague, Nijhoff, 1923-28. 19 vols, of which vol VII is the most important for our subject

— — Iconographie de l’art profane au Moyen-dge at de la Renaissance. La Haye, M. Nijhoff 1931-32. 2 vols, of which vol II is important for our subject

Massena, Victor, prince d'Essling. Petrarque. Paris, Gazette des Beaux-Arts 1902

Maximilian I, Emperor of Germany, 1459-1519. Kaiser Maximilians I Gebetbuch. Wien, Selbstverlag des Herausgebers (Karl Giehlow) 1907

Merlin, Romain. Origine des cartes a jouer. Paris, l'auteur 1869

Milan. Palazzo reale. Arte Lombarda see Arte lombarda dai Visconti agli Sforza sup

Molmenti, Pompeo. Venice. London, J. Murray 1906-08. 6 vols

Mongeri, G., and G. D'Adda. "L'arte del minio nel ducato di Milano." Arch stor lomb XII 330-356; 528-557; 760-795

Morley, H. T. Old and Curious Playing Cards. London 1931

Muir, Dorothy. A History of Milan under the Visconti. London, Methuen 1924

Muntz, Eugene. "La legende de la Papesse Jeanne dans l’illustration des Livres, du XVe au XIXe siecle." La Bibliofilia II disp 9a-10a (dic. 1900-gennaio 1901) p 325-339

Niklaus, Thelma. Harlequin. New York, Braziller 1956

Novati, Francesco. "Per la storia delle carte da giuoco in Italia." Il libro e la stampa, anno II n.s. fasc 2-3 (marzo-giugno 1908) 54-69

— "La vita e le opere di D. Bordigallo." Archivio veneto XIX 1 (1880) 14

Nuremberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Katalog der im germanischen Museum befindlichen Kartenspiele and Spielkarten. Niirnberg, Verlag des germanisclaen Museums 1886

Ottinio della Chiesa, A. L'Accademia Carrara. Bergamo 1955. (p 67-69)

Pagani, Severino. Il teatro milanese. Milano, Ceschina 1944

Painter, Sidney, French Chivalry. Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell Univ Press 1957

Palliser, Mrs Bury. Historic Devices, Badges, and War Cries. London 1870

Panofsky, Erwin. Meaning in the Visual Arts. Garden City, Doubleday 1955

Studies in Iconology. New York, Oxford Univ Press 1939

Parravicino, Count Emiliano di. "Three Packs of Italian Tarocco Cards." Burlington Magazine III (London 1903) 237-251

Patch, Howard Rollin. The Goddess Fortuna in Mediaeval Literature. Cambridge, Harvard Univ Press 1927

The Other World According to Descriptions in Mediaeval Literature. Cambridge, Harvard Univ Press 1950

[start 122]
Perls, Klaus G. Jean Fouquet. London, Hyperion Press 1940

Petrarch. I Trionfi (many editions)

Plato. "Phaedrus." Plato, tr by H. N. Fowler; Loeb Classical Library, vol 1 (1914)

Puppi, Lionello, "A proposito di Bonifacio e della sua Bottega.” Arte Lombarda iv, No 2 (1959) [245]-[252] [Brackets Moakley's]

Rabelais, Francois. The Five Books of Gargantua and Pantagruel. New York, Modern Library 1944. (Bk I ch 22; Gargantua's games. Bk III ch 9-12; methods of divination, which do not include cartomancy. Bk IV ch 29-32; King Lent)

Raggi, Angelo Maria. "Appunti per una bibliografia dell'arte lombarda, 1945-1954. Arte lombarda, annata prima (July 1955) 165-187

Rasmo, N. "Il codice palatino 556 e le sue illustrazioni" (Revista d'arte, 1939, p 245-281)

Reale Biblioteca Estense, Modena. Mss. (Lat. 209). Il manoscritto estense "De sphaere" (miniatura del sec. XV). Modena, Editore.cav. U.Orlandini 1914. (A facsimile reproduction)

Reid, George William. Italian Engravers of the Fifteenth Century, 1st series. London 1884

Ripe, Cesare. Iconology. London, G. Scott 1779. ("First edition, in Italian, published at Rome, 1593, without illustrations." — Library of Congress catalog entry)

Robbins, Rossell Hope, The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology. New York, Crown Publishers 1959, (Note absence of tarot and castomancy)

Salmi, Mario. Italian Miniatures. New York, Abrams 1954

— "La pittura e la miniature gotiche." Storia di Milano vi (1955) 840

— and G. Muzzioli. Mostra storica-nazionale della miniature in Roma (catalog). Firenze 1953

— "Intorno al Cicognara." Bollettino d'arte del Ministero delta Pubblica Istruzione, ser 2, anno 6, vol 1 (Milano 1926) p 217-223

— "Nota su Bonifacio Bembo." Commentari (1953) 7-15

Samuel, Maurice. The Gentleman and the Jew. New York, Knopf 1950

Sant'Ambrogio, D. "Dell' impresa dei tre anelli intrecciati" (Arch stor lomb, anno 18, p 392-398, and note, anno 19, p 216) (Not very much about the Sforza three-ring device; mainly concerned with a coin on which it appears)

Saxl, Fritz. Verzeichnis astrologischer und mythologischer illustrierter Handschriften des lateinischen Mittelalters. Heidelberg, C. Winter 1915-53. 3 vols in 4

Schreiber, W. L. Die altesten Spielkarten and auf das Kartenspiel Bezug habenden Urkunden des 14. and 15. Jahrhunderts. Strassburg, Heitz 1937

Schubring, Paul. Cassoni. Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1923. 2 vols: "Textband" and a much larger vol of plates. In calling for it in a library it is best to write two separate call-slips, one for each volume. Otherwise you get only one.

Seabury, William Marston. The Tarot Cards and Dante's Divine Comedy. New York, privately printed 1951

Seznec, Jean. The Survival of the Pagan Gods. New York, Pantheon 1953

[start p. 123]
Singer, Samuel Weller. Researches into the History of Playing Cards. London, R. Triphook 1816

Smith, Winifred. The Commedia dell'Arte. New York, Columbia Univ Press 1912

Steele, Robert. "A Notice of the Ludus Triumphorum and some Early Italian Card Games." Archaeologia (London 1900) LVII (ser 2, vol vii) 185-200

Storia di Milano, vol vii. Milano, Fondazione Treccani degli Alfieri 1956

Straparola, Giovanni Francesco, fl 1540. Les facetieuses nuits de Straparole. Tr par Jean Louveau et Pierre de Larivey. Paris, P. Jannet 1857. 2 vols. Riddle in vol II, p 371-372 (XII, 7)

Taylor, Archer. "The Gallows of Judas Iscariot." Washington University Studies. Humanistic series. II (1922) 135-156

Thomdike, Lynn. A History of Magic and Experimental Science. New York, Macmillan 1923-58 (vols III-VIII Columbia Univ Press). 8 vols, of which vol IV has the most to our purpose

Tietze-Conrat, E. Dwarves and Jesters in Art. New York, Phaidon 1957

— "Notes on Hercules at Crossroads." Journal of the 'Warburg and Courtauld
xiv (1951) 308

Toesca, Pietro. La pittura e la miniature nella Lombardia. Milano; U, Hoepli 1912

---- L'ufiziolo visconteo Landau-Finaly donato alla citta di Firenze. Firenze, Fratelli Alinari 1951

Toor, Frances. Festivals and Folkways of Italy. New York, Crown Publishers 1953

Toschi, Paolo. Le origini del teatro italiano. Torino, Einaudi 1955. A good source, listed both in End spett and The New Golden Bough

Traini, Carlo. Reminiscenze del passato bergamasco. Bergamo, Tip. Orfanotrofio maschile 1949- (No more than one volume published?)

Ufiziolo see Toesca, Pietro. L'ufiziolo visconteo ...

Vasari, Giorgio. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. London, G. Bell, 1850-1911. (Vol. I pub by H. G. Bohn, 1850; the others by Bell; vol II 1907; vol III 1895; vol IV 1911; vols V-VI 1907). 6 vols. This set is in the Art Library of the Donnell Library Center, New York City

Venturi, Adolfo. Storia dell'Arte italiana, vol VII. La pittura del Quattrocento, parte I-IV. Milano, U. Hoepli [1911?] (cited as vol XII in Arte lombarda dei Visconti agli Sforza, p 170, but as vol VII in Library of Congress catalog). I have not seen this

Venturi, Lionello. Piero della Francesca. Geneva, Skira 1954

Vianello, Carlo Antonio. Teatri, spettacoli musiche a Milano nei secoli scorsi. Milano 1941

Waetzoldt, Wilhelm. "Jorg Kolderers Miniaturen zum Triumphzug Kaiser Maximilians." Velhagen & Klesings Monatshefte, 53 Jahrg, 11 Heft (Juli 1939) 408-417

Walsh, William S. Curiosities of Popular Customs. Philadelphia, Lippincott 1925

Watts, Alan W. Myth and Ritual in Christianity. New York, Vanguard Press 1953

Nature, Man, and Woman. New York, Pantheon 1958

[start p. 124]

Weisbach, Werner. Trionfi. Berlin, G. Grote 1919

Welsford, Enid. The Court Masque. Cambridge Univ Press 1927

Willshire, William Hughes. see British Museum

Wind, Edgar. Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance. New Haven, Yale Univ Press 1958

Wittgens, Fernanda. "Note ed aggiunte a Bonifacio Bembo." Rivista d'Arte XVIII (1936) 345ff

----"Un dipinto ignoto di Bonifacio Bembo nel Museo di Worcester." Arte lombarda, annata prima (July 1955) 69-73.

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